1st Corinthians 13:7 – Love

1st Corinthians 13:7 – Love

It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. – 1 Corinthians 13:7
You may be wondering why there is talk of love on a martial arts website.  Well, this is no ordinary love.  This type of love is essential to who we are.  Love is God’s greatest commandment.  Love the way God intended it to be is self-sacrificial.  This kind of love compels us to fight for one another, protect each other, trust each other, and persevere through life with each other.
Love for sinners is what sent Jesus to the Cross to die for us.  It is the attribute that is important in a marriage or family.  It is not the infatuated, good feeling that we experience in the beginning stages of a dating relationship, but a commitment towards one another no matter what.  We find flaws, hardships, adversity in our spouse, but continue to fight our that special person given to us in our marriage.
Love for another is what fuels us to continue to fight.  It is the most basic commandment of all.  Love for God, your neighbor, and love for your family are what God wants for us.  Love one another, just as Christ has loved you and gave Himself up for you.
But to love our spouse, neighbors, co-workers with this kind of Godly love does not come from ourselves.  Without God, we cannot even hope to know this kind of Love.  Love for our Father who is in heaven is the key component that draws that love out of us for others as well.
Seek Christ to give you that same kind of love He gives you to those around you, and watch your life change!