Our Duty

Our Duty

Matthew 28:19 – Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

The Army places Duty as part of their values and it falls under Loyalty.  They have a very
important job to do in order to achieve their mission.  If no one did what they are ordered to,
the mission would be a disaster.
Duty can also be characterized as responsibility, work, or obligation.  Every human being on
this earth has a duty to perform.  We all have responsibilities.  Husbands are responsible to provide
and protect their wife and family.  Employees are called to fulfill their obligations at work.
Christians are called to make disciples, speak truth of the Gospel to the nations, and proclaim God’s
goodness. Our Christian brothers and sisters rely on us to cover their backs when there are potential
threats targeting them.  Our mission field is a battlefield and it is our duty to strengthen each other for
the glory of Christ.
Doing your “duty” is another sign of loyalty to one another and to those who trust us to be there for
them.  If we fail at this, we fail at being loyal, and the results can be catastrophic.