Laying Down Your Life

Laying Down Your Life

Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave Himself up for her. – Ephesians 5:25.
Every human being on the face of this earth has selfish intentions at some degree or another.  It is a constant battle just to overcome them on a daily basis.  Selfishness destroys relationships and can hinder blessings to your life.
For married couples, especially husbands, it should be your top priority to put your wife before yourself.  Fight for your family at any cost.  Satan hates marriage with a ferocious passion and will destroy it any way he can.  But it is a chose we must make by the power of the Holy Spirit to guard against his evil scheme, to die to ourselves daily, and to raise up our wives for Christ’s glory.
What does this look like?  Both you and your wife work long hours at work, and when you get home, you have a tendency to jump in front of the TV or the computer while your wife is cleaning up the house.  Instead, lend a helping hand to your wife so help lighten the load.  This is a level of sacrifice.
Activage Your Faith:  Pray for and with your wife everyday for her blessing, joy, and peace that only comes from Christ.  Single men who choose to marry pray for your future wife in a way that pleases the Lord.