Rock Solid

Rock Solid

Matthew 7: 24,25 – Anyone who listens to my teaching and obeys me is wise, like a person who builds his house on solid rock.  Though the rain comes in torrents and the floodwaters rise and the wind beats against that house, it won’t lapse, because it is built on rock. (NLT)
Usually a week before a tournament, I start to get nervous as I start to feel pressure the closer to the competition comes.  Everything from fear of failure or not placing, the adrenaline running through my veins, and then some, run through my mind.  The pressure will only intensify up until after the competition.
In our lives everyday, we find ourselves facing plenty of pressure.  It could be making sure we perform at our jobs so we may stay employed.  Taking care of our families when there is conflict can add a lot stress.  How we deal with pressure usually comes in the form of doubt, fear, and / or retreat.  Most of the time, we will waver from our resolve because the pressure is so great.
But Jesus calls us to stand firm.  It is through pressure we gain the most.  If we are persecuted for our faith, standing firm in the Word and not wavering will produce the type of blessing and reward we may never imagine.  When pressure comes your way, it will show you who you really are.  Standing firm through the pressure will reap rewards.