Striving for Excellence

Striving for Excellence

Colossians 3:23– Work hard and cheerfully at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people.  (NLT)
 As children of God, we should strive for excellence in everything we have been equipped to accomplish.  Excellence is not defined as success.  In fact, failure may end up being the outcome.  Excellence is defined as giving one hundred and ten percent in the areas you have been called. We should give our very best at our workplace, within our families, and even within ministry where Christ has chosen to place us.
When we work at our very best, we are giving God our best.  It does not matter if our best is not good enough to get that promotion.  It does matter if we have not been recognized or rewarded by others around us.  We may not always reach our desired outcome, but if we give it our all, one hundred and ten percent best every day, and we work hard with a cheerful heart to honor the Lord, He will be glorified, and there will be no regrets at the end of the day.  Knowing you have given your all is reward enough in itself.
 After Action Review:
Examine the areas of your life where you know you need to give your very best and give your best.  Pray the Lord for wisdom and guidance in those areas.