The Greatest Weapon

The Greatest Weapon

There are two distinct areas where there is potential for attack.  They are both physical and spiritual.  In a physical setting such as hand to hand combat, you are required to use your skills to defend against an assailant or attack.  As fathers and husbands, protecting your wife and / or kids from an intruder is also very important.  It is a man’s role and responsibility to protect.  It is an honorable calling in being able to protect the ones you love.  As God has placed it on my heart before and continually, “protect your own,” is what He wants for me and all men with the high calling of fatherhood or marriage.  But we should not forget there is another realm we must protect our families.  This area is the spiritual.
We cannot attack Satan and his demonic forces with swords and spears when he attacks our families.  But there is a weapon that has stood the test of time and without fail wins ever battle.  It is the weapon that is unfailing and untouchable.  This weapon can and will protect your family if wielded properly.
Hebrews 4:12 – For the word of God is living and active.  Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.
The weapon I and Hebrews 4:12 is talking about is the Word of God, the Bible.  How do we wield the power of the Bible and how do we protect our families?  We devote time reading the Word to our family, building them up in every good work.  We pray for our families.  We disciple our kids, so they may know the love of Christ for them.  We harness the Bible to instruct our families in how to live a Godly life.  We wield this Sword when the evil one attacks them through struggle, doubt, or condemnation.  The Bible is the only weapon that can penetrate where a physical weapon cannot.
Always be on your guard and prepare to fight!