Kickboxing Class Schedule – Monday November 22nd, 2010

Kickboxing Class Schedule – Monday November 22nd, 2010

This week, we’re going to do something a little differently, and alternate every other week with our standard class.   There will be two stations going on at the same time.  One will be focusing on punching and elbow techniques which will be led by Jeff, and the other will be focused on kicks.  After the stations have completed their routines, we’ll alternate.
Boxing / MMA Gloves


Opening Prayer
Prayer acknowledging Christ as the center of our lives and our training
Punching / Elbow Techniques
Jeff will be training everyone in this station.  He’ll be focusing on the the Jab, Cross, and the Hook.   
Kicking Techniques
I’ll be training everyone on kicks.  We’ll be focusing on the Front and Side Kicks. 
After time has elapsed, you’ll switch to the other station. 
We’ll finish off with Granada V2 at the end.