Endurance Building Drill with Fast Punches

Endurance Building Drill with Fast Punches

Endurance Training with Faster Punches

Endurance is very important for all type of sports, including combat related activities.  Endurance is defined from the Wikipedia website as the ability to exert oneself and remain active for a long period of time as well as the ability to resist, withstand, recover from, and is used in aerobic and anaerobic exercise.  Endurance is also the ability to withstand intense stress without giving up.
In martial arts training, top fighters display strong endurance.  Fighters have to have the ability to exert a huge amount of energy during a fight or sparring match, and they have to be able to take punches and kicks without giving up.  Endurance is displayed through their cardiovascular fitness and strength by watching how fast and hard they strike their opponent.

Endurance Building Drill

We are going to focus on one drill that is a building block to developing our endurance.  This drill will focus on boxing technique using rapid punching combinations.  It will develop our cardiovascular fitness, speed, and power within our punches.
Each exercise will last for one minute.  Square off with a heavy bag or a partner holding a body shield.  Punch rapidly as fast as you can for one whole minute.  Immediately after the first exercise, you will do as many hooks as possible using both side as fast as you can.
Round One

  • 1 minute | Rapid Punches
  • 1 minute | Hook Punches

Round Two

  • 1 minute | Rapid Punches
  • 1 minute | Hook Punches

Round Three

  • 1 minute | Rapid Punches
  • 1 minute | Hook Punches

Round Four

  • 1 minute | Rapid Punches
  • 1 minute | Hook Punches

Round Five

  • 1 minute | Rapid Punches
  • 1 minute | Hook Punches

After five rounds, the drill is over.  Take a water break before the next exercise in your workout.
This drill should definitely push you.  It will build endurance, increase your cardiovascular fitness, and improve strength.  Endurance is definitely one of the building blocks of great fighters, but it also has some great fitness benefits as well.  It will get you in shape and it will challenge you to become better.